Top Gavin Friday Albums
click on the album covers to see gavin friday lyrics inside the album
Ecce Homo (Deluxe Edition)
Ecce Homo (Deluxe Edition)
Ecce Homo EP - EP
Ecce Homo EP - EP
Shag Tobacco
Shag Tobacco
Adam 'n' Eve
Adam 'n' Eve
Related Information for Gavin Friday
Gavin Friday (b. Fionan Hanvey, 8 Oct 1959, in Dublin, Ireland). In early life, he survived a Christian Brothers education to become a singer, composer & painter. His latest release is "catholic" (22 April 2011, Rubyworks).In 1977, Friday was a founder of Virgin Prunes (legendary avant-garde post-punk group). 1987-2005 he composed & performed with, musical partner, Maurice Seezer. He released his 4th solo album CATHOLIC in April 2011.Gavin Friday & The Man Seezer albums (with Maurice), inc: "Each Man Kills The Thing He Loves" (1989), "Adam 'N' Eve" (1992) & "Shag Tobacco" (1995).Film scores & soundtracks include Get Rich or Die Tryin', In America, In th... read more
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